Last 8 weeks

So I officially have exactly eight weeks until my exchange is over and I'm flying back home. For this blog post I'll be sharing my plans and trips since there are so many (and I'm not sure which ones I will post about) Here we go...

May 25-29
My closest AFS friend and I are going to stay in Ferrara. I'm super excited because I did my exchange week in a city very close to this one and I loved the north so much! It is completely different from the south but I enjoyed it a lot. While we are there we will visit Venice! I'm so excited because it's a must-see city in Italy.

June 4-8
I will be going on a school trip to Sicily! I'm not too sure on the activities we will be doing but I've heard from so many people about how beautiful it is there and I cannot wait to see it!

June 12 - Last day of school!!

June 13-15
We will finally have our end of the year regional camp. The first two camps were really some of my favorite times here so I'm looking forward to see all the AFS kids again and catch up with everyone!

June 22-25
AFS is going to have an optional trip that I'm taking part of. We will visit Ercolano, Capri, Naples, and Positano. I'm looking forward to this trip because I haven't been to any of these cities yet so it will be so fun!

July 2nd 
My last week, we have a holiday that is specific to my city called Festa della Bruna. It's a huge holiday that dates back all the way to the 1300's. I'm not exactly sure about everything they do on this day but there is a huge parade with an important float that is destroyed every year once the float enters the city center. Many people try really hard to get pieces to take home (some people are even paid to get certain parts) and it's very competitive.  I can't wait to attend this festival and see for myself!

July 8th
I return home!

Thanks for reading!


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